"They are not just surviving"


It’s such a small thing but at the Furniture Bank we also have some artwork--paintings, sculptures, decorations and other items. And I see people just light up when they are invited to select pieces. It’s like a little light goes on and they realize, “Yes, this is MY home, an extension and reflection of me, and this piece is perfect for my living room”. That moment when a person chooses an art piece that expresses their creativity is just so beautiful. They are not just surviving... They see themselves thriving.”

– Abdul Ali


Throughout the year, we share stories of amazing people connected to Matthew House Ottawa. Enjoy!


What is your name?  Abdul Ali

How did you become involved with Matthew House Ottawa?

In 2019, I graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a degree in engineering but I wasn’t sure what my next step would be. My brother was living in Ottawa so I decided to stay with him until I figured out my life. While here, I applied for an internship at the furniture bank, and I was hired in late August, 2020. The staff and volunteers jokingly called me the ‘summer student’ even though I wasn’t a student and my internship didn’t take place during the summer.

After my internship I was hired as program assistant for Matthew House Ottawa. I was so happy because it meant that I could continue doing something that I feel passionate about.  It seemed like the next transition from my internship and it felt right for me. This is the first job I’ve had that at the end of the day I feel tired but fulfilled by how I’ve helped people.

What are some of your responsibilities as the program assistant?

There are so many but one of my main responsibilities is to welcome new residents into our homes and get them settled. Most of our residents are refugee claimants who are waiting to find out if they have been accepted to stay in Canada, and this can produce a paralyzing feeling for many of them. The residents can have difficulty thinking of the future and progressing to the next step. My job is to support and help the residents to continue moving forward in their journey. This can include helping them find a job or housing.

What is a typical day like at Matthew House Ottawa?

Every day is different here. When I’m working at the house, I start with what’s happening, check on the food and what our residents need. I sit in the living room, in the common area, so that people can just stop by for a conversation or ask me to print a document or help with anything else. And when I’m working at the Furniture Bank I check on the inventory, the delivery schedule, and anything else we need. The home and the refugee bank are interconnected. And they both function and feel like a home. The same energy, the same vibe, and everyone is part of the family.

What motivates you in your work?

I feel like my situation is unique because I’ve worked at the furniture bank and for the refugee services program, which has enabled me to see how all these services can transform lives.  

At the furniture bank, there were many times when a client came to an appointment and they told me their apartment was completely empty. As I helped these clients, they could not believe that they were able to choose several pieces of furniture and kept asking me if it was okay to select another item. It made me realize how desperately the clients needed the furniture to not only improve their living conditions but also their lives.

 It’s only when a client has a furnished home that the family can start thinking beyond surviving and look toward thriving. That’s what motivates me on the furniture bank side.

When I help a refugee claimant get a job or accepted for subsidized housing and I see the smile on their face and they are bursting with happiness that motivates me with the refugee services program. It lights a fire in me. It’s amazing. I find it very rewarding to be in this position.

Can you share a story that demonstrates a positive experience you’ve had working at Matthew House Ottawa?   

I was helping a client at the furniture bank who only spoke Arabic, as I speak the language as well.  She told me that her family was sleeping on the floor because they had nothing in their apartment. It pained me to hear her story because no one should live this way.

To be able to put this client at ease by speaking the same language, listening to her story, and help her choose the furniture she needed to make her apartment a home was a very rewarding experience for me. We also had a few laughs together because the client spoke a different dialect than I do and she taught me some new phrases.


 What is the most important work that Matthew House Ottawa provides to the community?

Matthew House Ottawa helps people move beyond a survival mode. Staff and volunteers are here to help and support our clients settle into the community. It may seem like a small action having a volunteer give two or three hours of their time to work at the furniture bank or at one of the Matthew House Ottawa homes, but this can make a big difference to our clients and change their lives.

I wish everyone could see and feel the difference we make in someone’s life. When you think about 10-15 clients per week, at the Furniture Bank, and each one of them is converting a sad, empty place into a comfortable, human place. And when you have that safe space, you have the ability to survive. You start to thrive. You think about what you want to become, what you strive for, what’s ahead for you.


Why do you think it’s important for people to help Matthew House Ottawa by donating money, furniture, or their time?

 Everyone has ups and downs in their life. When people are in an upswing, hopefully, they help others that are less fortunate. When people donate money, furniture, or their time to Matthew House Ottawa, they are helping those who are at the bottom move upwards.  

Donations to Matthew House Ottawa make a significant impact on our clients by supporting our efforts to help them adjust and settle into the community and this will assist them moving forward in their journey.

Interview by Barb Koppe. Edited for clarity.


Wanna help? Here is how you can change lives through Matthew House Ottawa:

  • Donations: you can give online here or cheques can be mailed to 380 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa ON K2G 6A1.

  • Become a monthly donor: The consistent support from our monthly donors is a HUGE help, and we would encourage you to give in this way if you are able. You can set up a monthly donation here – just click “donate monthly” tab at the top of the page.

  • Refugee Services: We welcome donations of grocery cards (or groceries and frozen meals) to help feed the refugees we have welcomed at the house, though we ask that you please contact Doreen in advance to make arrangements (dkatto@matthewhouseottawa.org).

  • Furniture Bank: If you have gently-used furniture you no longer need, please give us a call at 613-591-6681. And please spread the word among your networks as well.

Since 2010, Matthew House Ottawa has welcomed hundreds of refugee claimants, and provided quality used furniture to more than 6000 families in need. We have done this as a large, dedicated team of volunteers and a small handful of employees, with a lot of passion and commitment. Thank you for helping to make this important work possible!