Bemvindo's story: from client to volunteer

I like that everyone at the furniture bank cares about people. They want to help homeless people like my family was before we moved into our apartment. I wanted to be a part of this group of people who help those that are less fortunate.” – Bemvindo Ntambu


Each month we share stories of amazing people connected to Matthew House Ottawa. Enjoy!


What is your name? Bemvindo

Have you always lived in Ottawa?

No, I’m originally from Angola. I have lived in Ottawa for a year and a half.

Did you have any furniture when you were referred to Matthew House Ottawa’s furniture bank?

No, we were living at the YMCA-YWCA. Shortly before our appointment at the furniture bank, we moved into our apartment.

What furniture items did you need the most from the furniture bank?

We were hoping to get bed frames and mattresses. We were surprised that we could have new furniture for our living room, bedrooms, and kitchen including dishware. David Botha, program director for Matthew House Ottawa’s furniture bank, told us that IKEA Ottawa donated a large amount of new furniture and we were the first family to receive these items.

Describe your experience and how the furniture bank helped your family?

When we moved into our apartment we had nothing. Now, we can sit on the couch together, eat meals at the kitchen table, and sleep in our beds. We were able to choose all of our furniture and that made my family very happy. We were very grateful to receive these items.

It was such a positive experience for me that I decided to volunteer at the furniture bank. We received our furniture in May 2020 and I started volunteering at the furniture bank two weeks later. I help the truck crew deliver furniture to the clients and pick up donations. Sometimes, I help organize the furniture in the warehouse.

Why did you want to volunteer at the furniture bank?

I appreciated what the furniture bank did to help my family and I wanted to give back to the organization. The volunteers didn’t know me or my family but they still wanted to help us. I wanted to do the same for other clients.

I like that everyone at the furniture bank cares about people. They want to help homeless people like my family was before we moved into our apartment. I wanted to be a part of this group of people who help those that are less fortunate.

Can you share a story from your experience as a volunteer?

When we make our deliveries to the clients, I see how happy they are to receive the furniture.  I can relate to this because I felt the same way when our furniture was delivered. This is the first time I have ever volunteered and it makes me happy to be a part of this amazing experience. I like helping people.

By Barb Koppe. Interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.


Wanna help? Here is how you can change lives through Matthew House Ottawa:

  • Donations: you can give online here or cheques can be mailed to 380 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa ON K2G 6A1.

  • Become a monthly donor: consider setting up a monthly donation. The consistent support from our monthly donors has been a HUGE help during this time, and we would encourage you to give in this way if you are able. You can set up a monthly donation here – just click “donate monthly” tab at the top of the page.

  • Refugee Services: We welcome donations of grocery cards (or groceries and frozen meals) to help feed the refugees we have welcomed at the house, though we ask that you please contact Doreen in advance to make arrangements (

  • Furniture Bank: If you have gently-used furniture you no longer need, please give us a call at 613-591-6681. And please spread the word among your networks as well.

Pray: for past, present and future residents and furniture bank clients

Since 2010, Matthew House Ottawa has welcomed hundreds of refugee claimants, and provided quality used furniture to about 5000 families in need. We have done this as a large, dedicated team of volunteers and a small handful of employees, with a lot of passion and commitment. Thank you for helping to make this important work possible!