The Dignity We All Deserve: Andrea's Story


“I ask myself how can I best give this person the dignity and respect they are entitled to, that they deserve like any other person on the planet.”

– Andrea McLaren


We love sharing the stories of the amazing people connected to Matthew House Ottawa. Enjoy!


“Some days, I feel more like a social worker,” laughs Andrea McLaren.

As the Booking Coordinator for Matthew House Ottawa’s Furniture Bank, Andrea has been the first friendly voice clients hear since 2013. She contacts all new referrals from partner organizations to book their private 30-minute appointment at the Furniture Bank.

“What’s really meant to be a quick call can end up taking over an hour,” Andrea says. “People start telling you what they’ve been going through, and it’s obvious they just need someone to talk to.”

With her compassion and humour, Andrea has now been a Matthew House fixture for nearly a decade – and her commitment to the cause shines through. “It feels good, like in some way you’re helping,” Andrea explains. “I like that my kids see what I’m doing.” Her husband Ian McLaren serves as Chair of the Matthew House Board, making their involvement a true family affair.

Andrea’s role as Booking Coordinator means she speaks with nearly every client who visits the Furniture Bank. The stories she hears are often heartbreaking.

“I called one gentleman who only wanted a mattress,” she recalls. “He said ‘I don’t even care about anything else. I just need to get off the floor.’ All you want to do is handle it. These are people who are truly struggling.”

Time and time again, Andrea speaks with individuals who tell her they never expected to be in the position they’re in. Serving newcomers and low-income people throughout Ottawa, the Furniture Bank is a vital resource for those who find themselves with nothing – and need sadly only seems to be increasing.

“We’re getting more seniors now,” Andrea reflects. “Often it’s people who had retired, but then a spouse gets ill and suddenly expenses are so much more than expected. They fall through the cracks because once they’re a senior they don’t qualify for OW or ODSP. We’re here to help.

Andrea’s dedication means she often is calling clients during evenings and weekends, ensuring everyone in need is able to book in for their appointments. She says those conversations are about offering clients a sense of normalcy.

“These are people who have already been through so much… They’ve moved from another country, they’ve been living in shelters, they are starting from scratch,” explains Andrea. “I ask myself how can I best give this person the dignity and respect they are entitled to, that they deserve like any other person on the planet.”


Matthew House Ottawa supporters play key role in providing that dignity, alongside employees and volunteers like Andrea. Here’s how you can open more doors for some of our most vulnerable:

  • Donations: you can give online here or cheques can be mailed to 380 Centrepointe Drive, Ottawa ON K2G 6A1. 

  • Volunteer with us: We currently need volunteers to support our furniture bank and refugee services programs. Click here for more info and to apply.

  • Refugee Services: Do you have an extra room in your house? Or a home to rent? If so, please complete this form, and we will follow up to discuss how we might partner together to welcome and support refugees. We have some big plans and you can help!

  • Furniture Bank: If you have gently-used furniture to share give us a call at 613-591-6681. And please spread the word among your networks as well.

  • Pray: for past, present and future residents and furniture bank clients

Since 2010, Matthew House Ottawa has welcomed hundreds of refugee claimants, and provided quality used furniture to 7000 families in need. Thank you for helping to make this important work possible!